I really don't know where to begin...so I guess I will just start with how I came to start this here blog! Earlier tonight my husband and I were reading some website about being frugal and ways to save money. Which by the way, they had some great suggestions. We were discussing things we could do to save money and then we starting talking about things I could do to earn money. I have been trying to find a job for months now, with NOOO luck. :[ My husband, Adambear as I call him, suggested I start blogging for money...but fat chance. I'm a horrible writer and speller! (Sorry in advance!)
So instead of doing this for money, I figure why not do it for fun! I guess I could introduce myself and tell ya a little about me!
My name is Sara! I have been happily married to my wonderful Adambear for 7 months now! YAY us. We live in the beautiful state of Georgia, although our hearts are deep, deep, DEEP in the heart of Texas!! We were both born and raised in Texas. He moved to Nebraska after college. When we started dating we only saw each other about once a month. I flew up to NE, he flew down to TX, we met in the middle in a small, itty bitty town called Ponca City, Oklahoma. It kind of became our little town! :] Our dating life was pretty adventurous...we went to Chicago for a week during my spring break, we went camping in Kansas, we went to Mount Rushmore for his birthday and a lot of traveling to see each other. I remember driving nine hours to NE to surprise him. He thought I was coming the next day, but I wanted to surprise him. We talked most of my drive up there, but he didn't catch on tell about thirty minutes from his front door.
Our first Thanksgiving together we decided to ditch our families and I flew up to NE and we had our own little Thanksgiving. It was wonderful, and on that trip we decided I would move to NE right after Christmas. We didn't tell anyone for a few weeks. He came in town a few days before Christmas and helped me pack. One night we were driving around and we went to this park that we used to always go to to watch the stars or clouds! It was there he proposed to me a few days before Christmas. :] I had a feeling it was going to happen, we both had talked about not living together till we were married, so after packing my car and half of his we drove to Nebraska. We eloped on New Year's Eve! Our families still don't know.
We both love the secret of being married. We have gone back to Texas a few times and every time we have to take our wedding rings off. It's such a romantic secret. Our best friends know but that's it. We are planning a wedding for a year from now so our families will be able to witness our marriage.
I guess that's more than a nutshell about me...
I'm not really sure what this blog will be about or if anyone will read this, but I hope to look back a year from now and be glad I started this thing.