Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Long over due-'s been over a year since my last post. I'm going to blame it on life

A lot has happened in the last year...
I moved back to Dallas without my husband to go back to community college.
I lived with my Granny for 3 months and missed my hubby like crazzzzy!
Once he moved here and we moved into an apartment,
I dropped out of school.
I hated it! I knew it wasn't where I was supposed to be.
Adam asked me what I wanted to do for the rest of my life...
I told him I wanted to be a mommy.
And a hair stylist.

So we toured a few beauty schools and I choose Ogle.
In April '12 I started cosmetology school. 
From day one I knew this was it.
This is where I needed to be.
I loved every minute.
I graduated in February of '13. 
The day I graduated we also become first time home owners!!!!

Here I am holding the keys to the house and my diploma! 
(I will update the home tour button soon)!
We have been doing a lot around the house making it feel like a home! 

I started working in a salon in downtown Frisco
but it wasn't that right job for me.
I did however meet Ginger while I was working there.
Ginger and I both went to Ogle and decided to open our own salon!
So Created By Faith Salon was born. 
We've been open for almost a month and love every second of this journey!
So if you're in the Frisco area look us up and come get your hair done! 

I am hopeful that I will continue writing! 
So stay tuned. :]

XoXo, Lady

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